There are lots of money saving tips out there and this isn't meant to be a definitive collection of ideas. Instead, it is a collection of things that I find worthwhile and which I find easy to implement.
I would love to hear your ideas too!
1. Have a few easy, cheap meals in your rotation.
I don't routinely calculate per serve costs for our meals. However, I am aware that a few of our regular meals are very cheap to make. Basic legumes and carbohydrates work particularly well and the following key examples come in at around £1 ($2) per person:
- Jacket potatoes with baked beans and salad
- Chickpea flour pancakes with vegetable-bean fillings (I have a few versions of this dish)
- Italian roast vegetables and beans
- Vegetable soup with homemade stock and lentils
Chickpea flour pancakes with vegetable-bean fillings |
Estimated saving: If you have at least one cheap meal per week, £3 to £15 ($6 to $30) per person per month.
2. Look out for end-of-day discounts.
Many bakeries and chain stores discount products at the end of the day. In the UK, Boots is particularly generous and often marks sandwiches, salads and other prepared meals down to just 50p ($1.00). This is a whopping discount from the £2 - £3 they cost at full price. Of course, you need to be able to eat the meal quickly but if you want an easy, light dinner they're an incredibly cheap option.