Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lemon and blueberry oat parfait

I don't have many breakfast recipes on Bite-Sized Thoughts. In fact, I'm not sure where I'm going to file this after hitting post! There is a reason for this: during the week, I eat breakfast at work 4 days out of 5. Weekday mornings are decidedly simple affairs. Even on weekends, my breakfast routines are low-key, revolving around smoothies, cereal, and oats.

This particular breakfast is oat-based, but it is slightly different from my usual concoctions. The idea of lemon oats came to me towards the end of my morning run, and it stuck. (I think I may have lemon on my mind after seeing two vegan lemon meringue pies featured on Facebook this week!) Blueberries seemed like a logical finishing touch.


This doesn't have to be made in a parfait-style dish, but if you have one...I highly recommend it. Sometimes the little things really make a difference, and parfait dishes, to me, radiate fanciness. Eating parfait oats and drinking coffee, post-13km run and pre-leisurely Saturday, really does make a great start to a weekend.

Lemon and blueberry oat parfait
This breakfast could also serve as a healthy dessert or snack
Vegan and wheat free; gluten free if using gluten free oats
Serves 1

1/2 cup rolled oats
3/4 to 1 cup non-dairy milk of choice (depending on how long you plan to soak your oats and how creamy you like them)
1 tsp chia seeds
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp lemon juice
Blueberries, for layering and topping (at least 1/2 a cup)

Optional sweetener (e.g., 1-2 tsp maple syrup or agave, or a few drops of liquid stevia)

In a bowl, combine the oats, milk, chia seeds, cinnamon and sweetener if using. Refrigerate for at least an hour or overnight.

When the oats have thickened up, add the lemon juice and stir through. Spoon half of the oat mixture into a parfait glass, add blueberries, add the remaining oat mix, and then top with additional blueberries. (If serving in a bowl, just add blueberries to the bowl of oats.)

This might remain in the 'simple breakfast' category, but it is simple with a side of fancy. It may even have (temporarily) stopped my vegan lemon meringue pie obsession...

Submitted to Ricki's Wellness WeekendHealthy Vegan Friday and Vegan Mondays.

What are your favourite breakfasts and/or breakfast routines?


  1. This looks rather good. I often eat oats cooked the normal way with berries for brekky.

    1. I love cooked oats in winter but have to confess I just can't bring myself to make them in summer!

  2. I have never tried overnight oats but now that I am into porridge I feel more inclined to try them - I like the idea of blueberries on top - they always look pretty - though it does look rather milky - I think I prefer creamy - and I think I would like the lemon. The hot weather has sent my breakfast routines all over the place - we had pancakes this morn for the first time in ages - lovely!

    1. I rarely make the overnight variety because I am not prepared to commit to breakfast the night before! However, my parfait was a bit milkier than ideal because I didn't have time to soak it for longer than 45 minutes, so there are definitely advantages to preparing things well ahead of time.

      Pancakes sound like a lovely weekend breakfast treat :)

  3. Sounds perfect to me :-)
    I'm either a smoothie or oats breakfast eater during the week. Usually on the weekend I get adventurous and have pancakes or waffles.

  4. This looks nice. I quite like banana, oats and blueberry smoothies for breakfast in the morning but I think I'll try this tomorrow for a change :)

    1. Your smoothie packs two of the same ingredients as this at least, so I imagine it wouldn't be a big leap for your taste buds to try this instead :-)

  5. I love having yogurt after a long run! I really should fancify it by turning it into a parfait!

    1. Ooh yes, yoghurt would be great in this! Sadly Australia has a small selection of dairy-free yoghurts but if we had more to choose from I would definitely have it on high rotation.

  6. I haven't had overnight oats in far too long and I love lemon flavoured desserts. I'm one of those people who, even for breakfast, isn't too keen on having the same thing too often so I really vary. Sometimes I have porridge, sometimes a smoothie, sometimes dinner leftovers, sometimes chia favourites (usually confined to weekends) are pancakes, waffles & muffins though :D

    1. I like the sound of all of your breakfast options :-) I get sick of dishes quickly too, although that is my fault for often having the same thing daily until that routine gets too much. You have reminded me I need to try chia pudding too!

  7. Do you know what's better than a parfait for breakfast? A sour cream glazed donut. #fact

    But I s'pose this'd be okay ;)

    1. I think a sour cream glazed donut must be to donuts like parfait glasses are to oats. Fancy stuff happening with donuts in your part of the world!

  8. Well this looks delicious, I haven't had overnight oats in aaaaages!

    Also, I must have totally missed your new header before, I love it!

  9. A parfait dish can really make anything feel a lot more fancy and sophisticated It also makes everything taste more decadent I feel ;)
    Lemon oats with blueberries is a brilliant idea Kari; I'll have to add it to my breakfast to-do list - I love my overnight oats!

    1. Thanks Ally :-) Lemon and blueberries are such great flavours, why not embrace them at breakfast?!

  10. I love breakfast and this parfait looks delish! I totally agree...the little details make all the difference and I can't wait to use my parfait dishes for this. :)
    Tina at

  11. I highlighted your lemon blueberry oat parfait in my Vegan Recipe Roundup! Thanks for the entry! Yum!


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