Sunday, February 2, 2014

365 project: January photos

With January over, I'm one month into my photo a day project for 2014. Taking a (non-food) photo a day has, to date, been both easier and harder than I expected. The easy part? If I throw my camera into my bag, there are many opportunities each day to capture an image that is interesting or picturesque. The hard part? There are 11 months left of 2014 and that leaves a lot of photos ahead of me. It's a little daunting to realise that I have taken just 31 of 365 potential photos! Fortunately, I have approached this goal with a healthy dose of realism and if I miss a day, or a week, or even a won't matter. 

For now, here are the first 31 images. Welcome to my January in photos!

1st: Scarborough beach cycle path / 2nd: Busy bee / 3rd: Car wash whirl wind / 4th: Missing puzzle piece / 5th: Dry creek

6th: Berries / 7th: Pink / 8th: HDR palm tree / 9th: Freeway traffic / 10th: Spikes

11th: Pre-heat early morning / 12th: Adored Christmas card / 13th: Grass / 14th: Meerkat / 15th: Neighbourhood scenes

16th: Kite surfer / 17th: Dug up street / 18th: Husband in a fountain / 19th: Emerging agapantha / 20th: Distant arches

21st: Emerging agapantha + 2 days / 22nd: Outdoor cinema / 23rd: Sketchy keyboard / 24th: Emerging agapantha + 5 days / 25th: Boating

26th: Australia Day crowds / 27th: Ducky journeys / 28th: Emerging agapantha + 10 days / 29th: Tangled sky / 30th: Wallpaper

31st: Arches

Do you take photographs regularly? And, other than food (if you are a food blogger), what are your favourite objects or scenes to capture?


  1. You took some great shots! I find that I take random shots regularly on my phone because it's always handy.

    1. Thanks Cakelaw - and yes, my phone camera gets a bit of use too. The only problem is it's terrible in poor lighting, so unless I'm outside, it's not very useful!

  2. What a great idea! These are some lovely photos :) I may try the photo a day as well

    1. I highly recommend it! It really forces you to look at what is around you, and appreciate it more I think.

  3. Gorgeous photos! I must say my iPhone snaps (mainly of food) do not compare.

    1. I have plenty of snaps that don't make the cut, believe me ;)

  4. Way to go.. I can only imagine you enjoying the journey. I used to take more non-food photos but I rarely take photos even on vacation since I let Rob carry the camera. ;)

    1. We're the opposite - my husband now rarely uses his camera because I always have mine!

  5. great photos - I like the variety in the subject matter - I love taking photos but my DSLR is now too heavy to just have in my bag the way I used to have my clickbox in there - and then there is the logistics of constantly downloading photos - today I took my DSLR camera but forgot to take the memory card out of my computer - luckily I had my phone with me

    1. Thanks Johanna, and I empathise with camera weight. Mine isn't quite as bad as a DSLR but I do sometimes envy people with tiny point and shoots (not enough to revert though!). I seem to carry a huge amount of stuff back and forth from work so the camera addition doesn't make a huge difference there, and on weekends, sometimes I just take my camera bag and leave other things. My phone is a back up too though :)

  6. That is quite a challenge but hopefully it will become a habit. I love the image of the berries - they look yummy. I haven't signed up for this challenge but what I really need to do is spend this year sorting my images and creating some albums - I've left it so long it's an overwhelming task xx

    1. Oh, that is an overwhelming task at the best of times! My poor mother has got into a terrible state with her images - there are years of unorganised ones and often they are on her computer twice! I have taken to just putting mine in month folders (i.e., January 2014) which is rather simple and has many flaws but does give me the illusion of order ;)

  7. I used to carry a camera with me when I walked to work everyday and found no end of interesting shots. Changing weather and seasons and plants and trees, crazy cars, cool couples...your eye just learns to capture the newness. I love that you're challenging yourself and sharing it too! :)

    1. Thanks so much :-) And you are so right - It's amazing how much there is to capture when you look!

  8. I love this Kari! I won't tell you how many times I tried to complete Project 365, he he he. I am so glad to see that you are off to a strong start! At the end of the year, you will be so thankful and happy that you did this.

    1. Thank you! And I can imagine that project 365 might end up being project {number less than 365}, but then again, perhaps it will become such a habit I'll just keep going :P

  9. I did participate in a 365 photo journal one year but found it way to hard! since the large majority of my life is working at home there really isn't that much to take pictures of lol!
    Your collection is lovely! :-)

    1. Working at home would definitely make it harder!

  10. These images are just gorgeous!
    Prior to food blogging I used to enjoy taking lots of landscape images and spent a lot of time creating the perfect shot. I also enjoyed portrait photography and was in a camera club where we presented our best images each month. Since blogging I have noticed that the majority of images taken are food related. I think I may have to change that. During a recent trip to Tasmania I took a few landscape images but I am really out of practice!
    Gourmet Getaways

    1. I imagine a camera club would do wonders for your skill - you wouldn't want to show any sub-optimal photos to the other members! It sounds like you have some great photography experience even if it is mostly food shots these days. I think food photos are amongst the hardest to do well actually - especially as sometimes light is far from ideal when you need to take the photos - so your past experience has probably helped hugely with your food blogging :)

  11. Some memorable ones there Kari. They are very inspirational. It's a great idea and nice that you are not too pressured about it.

    1. I'm all about not too much pressure :-) And thank you!

  12. You've got a real talent Kari. I really like this idea and non food-photography is something I'm very unpracticed in. You could make these into a calendar for 2015!
    My favourites are "palm tree" and "grass".

    1. Thank you so much Emma. This comment is particularly kind because I always admire your food photography - you might not do a lot of non food photos, but your food shots are incredibly beautiful and I'm sure take a lot of work!

      Grass is one of my favourites too :-) I love the calendar idea as well!

  13. Wow! I remember you saying that you are determined to take more non-food related photos. Looks like you're off to a brilliant start, Kari! I really need to take more photos. My camera has been lonely for over 2 weeks now. Reading and writing research papers have taken over my life..yet again..Lord help me.

    1. Oh, I remember those days :( It's tough but study does end and then you can find time for photography and other hobbies again!

  14. Wow these are awesome and I just love this photo challenge! Makes me wish I had thought to do something similar- I really want to work on my photography and these seems like such a wonderful motivator to do it!

    1. It's never to late to join Gabby! It would obviously be tough to do a photo a day for 2014, but you could do a photo a day for the rest of the year or the next 365 days starting now :-)


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