Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A wild Friday night (and Christmas decoration photos)

We don't have wild Friday nights. We never have, even in our younger years before we met each other. I think there was a six month  period when I was aged 15 - 16 when I went to parties that had a tiny flavour of 'wild' (i.e., there were boys and girls and alcohol), but that was about it.

These days we are an old married couple in every sense of the word, even if we have only been married 3.5 months and are not so very old really. I love it, truth be told. Our Friday night routine includes going home from work together, the one day of the week when that is possible, and I may then do some cleaning (I know! the thrill!) while Mr Bite makes dinner (that is a thrill) and we then eat in front of the TV and watch a movie.

I'm sure you're overwhelmed with excitement for us.

Our house is not suited to large-scale Christmas decorations, so we have a bite-sized tree. Please don't laugh.

Two Friday's ago, we watched Tomorrow When the War Began, adapted from John Marsden's book of the same name. Those of you who grew up in Australia in the 1990s will likely remember the series that followed from that first book. They were always out of my high school library and I devoured them with great enthusiasm, as did most people my age.

The movie is no where near as good as the book (of course), and had a certain teenager vibe to it. Still, it was worth watching. It was also mildly suspenseful and I think that led to Mr Bite making knocking sounds on the inside of our front door when the movie was over. He does this sometimes, playing on my anxious, easily startled nature. I wasn't taken in though, not for a second.

Except, an hour and a half later, there really was a knock on the door. At 11pm. And Mr Bite was upstairs, so I knew it wasn't him.

Our wreathed front door.

I frantically called out "don't answer the door!" as Mr Bite trotted downstairs to do so.

"It's okay", he said, "there's a police car out the front".

For the record, that isn't a statement that tends to make me think that things are okay.

From bed, I eavesdropped on the conversation that resulted when Mr Bite did open the door.

(Very young) policeman: "Good evening mate, we're just following up on a complaint about loud music in the area. It sounded like it was coming from your place, but now we see it isn't."

Mr B: "No, we can hear it too but it isn't from here."

Policeman: "We actually can't find the source of the music. We drove behind your place and in front of your place, and it sounded like it was coming from within. Now we're here it sounds like it's coming from elsewhere."

Mr B: "Yes, we have that problem too! We have tried to find the source of the music in the past but haven't been able to do so."

I like to think that the tree looks bigger up close.

To give you some context, we semi-regularly hear loud-ish music coming from a house in our vicinity. When we're inside, it sounds like it's coming from just behind us. But when we go outside, it sounds like it's coming from somewhere in front of us. We once went for an evening walk to try and find the house in question, but failed.

The policeman apologised for disturbing us and left with his car-bound colleague to continue searching for the mysterious music, whilst we went to bed after being visited by police for the first time in our respective lives.

Another wreath - this one in the kitchen

And that, dear readers, is my definition of a wild Friday night: a teenage movie watched on the sofa, followed by a spark of adrenalin by a genuine front door knock at a late hour, followed by a visit from the police that wasn't really intended for us. It was perfect.

What does your Friday night look like? Any wild moments of late?

And did you enjoy the Tomorrow When the War Began books?


  1. I wish you wouldn't be disparaging about your Friday nights, even in a joking way. They sound perfect to me. xo

    1. Oh bless you, especially as they are perfect to me too. I wouldn't swap them for anything. I have added a final sentence to make that a little clearer than it was :-)

    2. Oh, I'm so glad you understood what I meant! As you can see, I checked back rather quickly because I was worrying that I might have come across in a way I didn't intend. But I should've known you'd understand :)

  2. I love the sound of your friday nights - E and I used to love dinner and a movie at home until Sylvia wore us down and it doesn't happen as much.

    The music thing sounds odd. When we lived in edinburgh (on my mind at the moment) we had music hit the building behind us and bounce back so it sounds like it was coming from the opposite direction - would this be happening around you? But at least now you know you are a person of interest to the police :-)

    1. I think you're spot on actually - we notice that sounds from the front of our house (just cars and things) sound louder from the back, so something must happen with sound bouncing around. Hopefully the police will mark us as the people of interest for oddly positioned sound and look elsewhere for other things :-)

  3. We haven't had any wild Friday nights for years and seem to alternate between spending Friday nights in with an easy dinner and sometimes a movie or venturing out for a meal.

    I really enjoyed reading the Tomorrow When the War Began series too! The young man read them years ago and I picked them up after he was finished. I totally agree that the movie was inferior to the book but it was still interesting to see it in film, especially the action scenes.

    1. Some movies are worth seeing just to compare with the book, and you're right - the action scenes were quite well done. I'm glad you enjoyed the series too!

  4. I loove cozy nights in although I could probably do without the police ;)

    I'm such a homebody though- I need people to force me to go out! Otherwise the couch with some tea and a good book or movie is a-ok!

    1. Couch with tea and a good book is probably my favourite solo way to spend time :-) (Sometimes I switch it up though and lie on my bed with the tea and book!)

  5. They sound like the perfect night to me... my Friday nights usually consist of cooking, eating, blogging/working/reading while the tv's on and my husband plays games. Yours sounds much more fun. The last wild Friday was his work xmas party. Apparently I'm not a party person any more, I got bored and went for a walk :S

    Don't worry about your tree- it's cute! You're doing better than me anyway, we don't even have a tree.
    Loved the books too :)

    1. You're walk made me smile as Mr Bite and I did that during a riverfront wedding once :P We skipped about 45 minutes and no one noticed (which is a relief, because I'd have felt badly otherwise).

      Glad you enjoyed the books too, and thanks for the tree support!

  6. I LOVED those books - as did my sister, she had a copy of hers signed by John Marsden and thought she was SO COOL - as you do when you are 14 ;)

    Ha, that's hilarious about the random music house... sounds like our house as we are ALWAYS cranking music and jumping around like idiots (to entertain the toddler, of course!) Friday nights consist of a few wines, an easy dinner and listening to records - not as crazy as before child, but still fun!

    1. Ooh, I would definitely have thought John Marsden's signature was cool! In fact, I still might :P

    2. My sister had them all signed too! And when she took them in he even commented that she had one of the limited edition copies of one of them. She was thrilled.

  7. I love your Friday nights! They sound like ours :P Tyler has been sick in bed for 5 days so that will definately be my Friday night this week! I have nominated you for a Reality Blog Award. Come collect! :) x

    1. Thanks so much for the nomination Cass :-) And I'm glad we have like minded thoughts re. Friday night fun!

  8. I love cozy Friday nights in! I always spend Fridays with my beau... it is the only consistent night that he has off from work. Usually we cook dinner, then curl up on the couch and watch Star Trek or a movie. Sometimes we'll go out, or if the weather is nice, gather all our friends on the front porch for beers.

    The random music situation is bizarre.... perhaps you live in some sort of haunted house once inhabited by musicians or ravers?

    1. I hadn't thought of the haunting angle! I may feel a little more disconcerted by the music if / when I next here it :P

      Your Star Trek reference makes me think you and my husband would get on very well indeed!

  9. Kari you crack me up. I love your posts :-)
    This my dear, is a perfect Friday night for lots of your readers it seems and me included. Wild moments these days round here, involve staying up past 11pm which really is sheer lunacy with three small people.
    As for the music...could it be coming from your Christmas tree?

    1. Oh, thank you Brydie - that was a lovely comment!

      I am very enamored with the concept that our Christmas tree may be the music source. I am going to believe that for the next 3 weeks, even if evidence suggests otherwise :-)

  10. One: I love the sounds of your Friday nights. It is strikingly similar to the Friday nights in my house!

    Two: As an American, I only discovered the Tomorrow series when the movie came out. After seeing the movie I read all the books, including the Ellie Chronicles that came afterwards. I love them, despite being 26 when I read them!

    Three: How exciting! Police visits for disembodied (maybe ghostly??) music!

    1. One: Yay!

      Two: I"m so glad you did. They are brilliant books and I believe children's and teenager's books are often equally good in adulthood :-)

      Three: Disembodied music sounds very cool. I'm adopting that phrase!

  11. PUhahahaha!!! Kari!!! I just LOVE your sense of humor ;). A Wild Friday night, indeed ;)
    TIm and I have been married for almost 6 years now, and let me tell you, we like to be one with the couch on friday nights and the weekends. There are times when TIm comes home and says, "let's be crazy and go out for a late night eat.." Most of the time I say, no I'm in my pjs and a, quite comfy.
    Your bite-sized tree is quite adorable! I laughed not bc of the size of the tree but your comic delivery hehe.
    That's quite freaky..I don't know why I just got the chills.

    1. Aw, thank you Min! And I love the thought of you declining dinner out because you're settled in your PJs :P Clearly quiet nights have a lot of followers! I hope when we've been married for 6 years we still have similar routines :-)

  12. I am usually no fun on Friday night because I am so tired. We might grab dinner and maybe a drink before I am ready for bed. Makes me feel really old!
    I like your little tree- it is cute and has lots of character.

    1. Thanks Tasha :-) And I get you on the feeling old thing - sometimes our movie watching is interrupted by me falling asleep :P

  13. I love the tinsel around the staircase! it looks magical!!!! Might have to try that! :D

    1. It's a really easy way to add Christmas cheer :-)

  14. Our Friday nights alternate between pretty much exactly yours (I love getting the cleaning done on Friday it leaves the weekend free) and Fridays where we go out dancing. But even if we go dancing we are usually home by 11 - we are just too tired at the end of the week.

    Unfortunately I know EXACTLY where the loud music comes from in our street, my neighbour. They haven't done it for awhile but for a bit there they were notorious for starting massive parties at about 1am and going until 7. It was horrid.

    As with the police, I came home one day and drove into our townhouse complex to find the entire driveway area covered with police cars. There were about 5 I think. I parked on the street, walked to my place (I couldn't get to my garage because of the police) but never saw a sign of an actual police person. To this day I don't know where they were or what had happened.

    1. How bizarre (re. the police)! It must have been something big to warrant those sorts of numbers (unless they were having a party of their own, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt ;) ).

      Your neighbourhood parties sound awful. Getting the cleaning out of the way so the weekend can start off well is a much better way to have the night go!

  15. Your Christmas tree might be small but it is adorable :)

    I'm so beat from work by Friday that our Friday nights generally consist of falling asleep on the couch watching a movie and going to be early!

    1. I know all about falling asleep on the couch - the same thing happens to me!


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